Thank You! - Montessori

Transcription of thank you messages:

Mountainside Montessori Adolescent Class expresses their gratitude to Morgantown's former students who shared their stories on December 3, 2022.

Angela, Karen and extended Morgantown Family ~ We are so grateful for our shared time and new partnership. Enjoy the Holidays. Theo

Thank you for the knowledge

Maggie C

Thanks for letting us meet with you and your friends!!!

-Grayson L.

Thank you so much for letting us talk with you! We learned so much.


Thank you so so so much for telling us stories from your life! -Maggie M

Thank you so much


Thank for all the cool tales you all shared


Thank you for coming


To Angela, Karen, and our esteemed and appreciated guests from Morgantown, thank you so very much for sharing your time and experiences with us! It meant and means a great deal to all of us. Best wishes, Angus

Thank you for coming to talk with us


Angela & Karen

and the

Morgantown School




With gratitude ~

Adolescent at



Morgantown Memories: The Harris-Anderson Family Collection


Morgantown Memories: Alma Johnson’s Collection